Too many 63's

Algebra Level 5

What is the last four digits of

6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 63 ? \huge 63^{63^{63^{63^{63^{63^{63^{63^{63}}}}}}}}?

1957 1997 1937 1947 1987 1927 1967 1977

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1 solution

Chew-Seong Cheong
Nov 22, 2017

Let the number given be N N . We need to find N m o d 10000 N \bmod 10000 . Since gcd ( 63 , 2 , 5 ) = 1 \gcd(63,2,5)=1 , we can use Euler's theorem and Carmichael lambda function . The required Carmichael lambda values λ ( 10000 ) = 500 \lambda (10000) = 500 , λ ( 500 ) = 100 \lambda (500) = 100 , λ ( 100 ) = 20 \lambda (100) = 20 , λ ( 20 ) = 4 \lambda (20) = 4 , λ ( 4 ) = 2 \lambda (4) = 2 and λ ( 2 ) = 1 \lambda (2) = 1 . Then, we have:

N = 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 63 m o d 1 m o d 2 m o d 4 m o d 20 m o d 100 m o d 500 (mod 10000) \Large \begin{aligned} N & = 63^{\color{#3D99F6}63^{\color{#D61F06}63^{\color{#3D99F6}63^{\color{#D61F06}63^{\color{#3D99F6}63^{\color{#D61F06}63^{\color{#3D99F6}63^{\color{#D61F06}63}} \bmod 1} \bmod 2} \bmod 4} \bmod 20} \bmod 100} \bmod 500} \text{ (mod 10000)} \end{aligned}

Starting from 63 0 (mod 1) 63 \equiv 0 \text{ (mod 1)} . Then 6 3 0 1 (mod 2) 63^0 \equiv 1 \text{ (mod 2)} , 6 3 1 3 (mod 4) 63^1 \equiv 3 \text{ (mod 4)} , 6 3 3 ( 60 + 3 ) 3 7 (mod 20) 63^3 \equiv (60+3)^3 \equiv 7 \text{ (mod 20)} ,

6 3 7 ( 60 + 3 ) 7 20 × 3 6 + 3 7 9 3 ( 23 ) ( 10 1 ) 3 ( 23 ) 29 ( 23 ) 67 (mod 100) \begin{aligned} 63^7 & \equiv (60+3)^7 \equiv 20\times 3^6+3^7 \equiv 9^3(23) \equiv (10-1)^3(23) \equiv 29(23) \equiv 67 \text{ (mod 100)} \end{aligned}

6 3 67 ( 50 1 ) 30 ( 50 1 ) 3 7 ( 10 1 ) 50 ( 10 1 ) 15 9 2 149 ( 7 ) 149 ( 81 ) 467 (mod 500) \begin{aligned} 63^{67} & \equiv (50-1)^{30}(50-1)^37(10-1)^{50}(10-1)^{15}9^2 \equiv 149(7)149(81) \equiv 467 \text{ (mod 500)} \end{aligned}

6 3 467 ( 50 1 ) 200 ( 50 1 ) 32 7 3 ( 10 1 ) 400 ( 10 1 ) 60 ( 10 1 ) 7 (mod 10000) ( 1 ) ( 1600 + 1 ) ( 343 ) ( 4000 + 1 ) ( 7000 600 + 1 ) ( 35000 2100 + 70 1 ) (mod 10000) ( 8401 ) ( 343 ) ( 6001 ) ( 6401 ) ( 2969 ) (mod 10000) ( 1543 ) ( 2401 ) ( 2969 ) (mod 10000) ( 4743 ) ( 2969 ) = 1967 \begin{aligned} 63^{467} & \equiv (50-1)^{200}(50-1)^{32}7^3(10-1)^{400}(10-1)^{60}(10-1)^7 \text{ (mod 10000)} \\ & \equiv (1)(-1600+1)(343)(-4000+1)(7000-600+1)(35000-2100+70-1) \text{ (mod 10000)} \\ & \equiv (8401)(343)(6001)(6401)(2969) \text{ (mod 10000)} \\ & \equiv (1543)(2401)(2969) \text{ (mod 10000)} \\ & \equiv (4743)(2969) \\ & = \boxed{1967} \end{aligned}

why is the final consideration 63^{467}

D S - 3 years, 6 months ago

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Because 6 3 67 m o d 500 = 467 63^{67} \bmod 500 = 467 . Why 6 3 67 63^{67} is because 6 3 7 m o d 100 = 67 63^7 \bmod 100 = 67 and so on.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 3 years, 6 months ago

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@Chew-Seong Cheong , sir can you please explain the property that you used here-

( 50 1 ) 200 ( 50 1 ) 32 7 3 ( 10 1 ) 400 ( 10 1 ) 60 ( 10 1 ) 7 (mod 10000) (50-1)^{200}(50-1)^{32}7^3(10-1)^{400}(10-1)^{60}(10-1)^7 \text{ (mod 10000)}

( 1 ) ( 1600 + 1 ) ( 343 ) ( 4000 + 1 ) ( 7000 600 + 1 ) ( 350000 + 3500 2100 + 70 1 ) (mod 10000) \equiv (1)(-1600+1)(343)(-4000+1)(7000-600+1)(-350000+3500-2100+70-1) \text{ (mod 10000)}

Shreyansh Mukhopadhyay - 3 years, 3 months ago

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@Shreyansh Mukhopadhyay Using binomial theorem: ( 50 1 ) 200 = 5 0 200 200 ( 5 0 199 ) + 200 ( 199 ) 2 5 0 198 200 ( 50 ) + 1 (50-1)^{200} = 50^{200} - 200(50^{199}) + \frac {200(199)}2 50^{198} - \cdots - 200(50) + 1 . Note that all terms accept the last one are divisible by 10000, therefore ( 50 1 ) 200 m o d 10000 = 1 (50-1)^{200} \bmod 10000 = 1 . For ( 50 1 ) 32 (50-1)^{32} , only the last two terms ( 1600 + 1 ) (-1600+1) are not divisible by 10000. And so on.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 3 years, 3 months ago

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@Chew-Seong Cheong Thanks a lot sir.

Shreyansh Mukhopadhyay - 3 years, 3 months ago

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@Shreyansh Mukhopadhyay There was a typo in 350000 + 3500 2100 + 70 1 -350000+3500-2100+70-1 . I have changed it.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 3 years, 3 months ago

@Chew-Seong Cheong

D S - 3 years, 6 months ago

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