Trigonometric Blast!

Geometry Level 3

Find number of roots of f ( θ ) = 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 7 f(\theta) = 8\cos\theta + 2\sec\theta - 7 for θ [ π 2 , π 2 ] \theta \in \left[-\dfrac{\pi}{2}, \dfrac{\pi}{2}\right]

All of my problems are original

Difficulty: \dagger \dagger \dagger \color{grey}{}\dagger \color{grey}{\dagger}

2 \infty 7 1 100 0 9 13

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4 solutions

Atomsky Jahid
Jun 5, 2020

In the range [ π 2 , π 2 ] [ - \frac{\pi}{2} , \frac{\pi}{2} ] , both cos θ \cos \theta and sec θ \sec \theta are positive functions.

Applying AM-GM, 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 2 ( 8 cos θ ) ( 2 sec θ ) \frac{8 \cos \theta + 2 \sec \theta}{2} \geq \sqrt{ (8 \cos \theta) (2 \sec \theta) } 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 8 \implies 8 \cos \theta + 2 \sec \theta \geq 8 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 7 1 \implies 8 \cos \theta + 2 \sec \theta -7 \geq 1

So, there are no real solutions in this range.

P.S. AM-GM inequality follows from the fact that if ( x y ) 2 0 (\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y})^2 \geq 0 , then x + y 2 x y \frac{x+y}{2} \geq \sqrt{xy} .

Good use of AM. GM. but I see no link between how it can have no solutions. I understood till 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 7 1 8 \cos{\theta} + 2 \sec{\theta} - 7 \geq 1 , but then how did you conclude this will have no solution??

Mahdi Raza - 1 year ago

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As it can never be equal to 0, and for solution, it is equal to zero. So, no solutions possible.

Aryan Sanghi - 1 year ago

What does it mean to have a 'solution'? We actually refer to the roots of the equation f ( x ) = 0 f(x)=0 as the solutions. If f ( x ) > 0 f(x) > 0 , it means our function can never be 0 0 . And, if it can't become 0 0 , we won't have any roots and therefore no solutions.

Atomsky Jahid - 1 year ago

Assume if the question were to find solution 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 9 8 \cos{\theta} + 2 \sec{\theta} - 9 . How would that be different?

Mahdi Raza - 1 year ago

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We can apply a variant of Alak's solution.

Elijah L - 1 year ago

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Please share it with us. Today, I am getting amazing solution to a single problem.

Aryan Sanghi - 1 year ago

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@Aryan Sanghi It's very similar to their solution, as I have said.

If we were to investigate the equation 8 cos θ + 2 sec θ 9 = 0 8 \cos \theta + 2 \sec \theta - 9 = 0 , we transform it into the equation 8 cos 2 θ 9 cos θ + 2 = 0 8 \cos^2 \theta - 9 \cos \theta + 2 = 0 . Solving, we get cos θ = 9 ± 17 16 \cos \theta = \frac{9 \pm \sqrt{17}}{16} , and both cases are a number within the range of 1 x 1 -1 \le x \le 1 .

If cos θ = 9 + 17 16 \cos \theta = \frac{9 + \sqrt{17}}{16} , then arccos θ 0.609 \arccos \theta \approx 0.609 for θ \theta in Quadrant I. To get the corresponding value in Quadrant IV, multiply by 1 -1 .

If cos θ = 9 17 16 \cos \theta = \frac{9-\sqrt{17}}{16} , then arccos θ 1.26 \arccos \theta \approx 1.26 for θ \theta in Quadrant I. Again, to get the corresponding value in Quadrant IV, multiply by 1 -1 .

Therefore, the solutions to the modified problem are ± 0.609 and ± 1.26 \boxed{\pm 0.609 \textnormal{ and }\pm 1.26} .

Elijah L - 1 year ago

Thanku for your solution. It's really extraordinary.

Aryan Sanghi - 1 year ago

Jahid's is an elegant solution. I'm showing an elementary one.

The given equation is : 8 cos 2 θ 7 cos θ + 2 = 0 8\cos^2 \theta -7\cos \theta +2=0 . Discriminant of this equation is 7 2 4 × 8 × 2 = 49 64 = 15 < 0 7^2-4\times 8\times 2=49-64=-15<0 . So both the roots of the equation are complex, and the function has no real root

As always sir, your solution is excellent. Thanku for sharing it with us.

Aryan Sanghi - 1 year ago

Yes, nice one, Mr. Alak!

Mahdi Raza - 1 year ago

I solved in a similar way, but after 2 months :)

Vinayak Srivastava - 9 months, 4 weeks ago

8 cos θ + 2 s e c θ 7 = 0 8\cos\theta+2sec\theta-7=0

Multiplying everything by cos θ \cos\theta ,

8 cos 2 θ 7 cos θ + 2 = 0 8 \cos^2 \theta - 7 \cos \theta +2 =0

By quadratic formula,

cos θ = ( 7 ) ± ( 7 ) 2 4 ( 8 ) ( 2 ) 2 ( 16 ) = 7 ± 15 16 \cos\theta = \dfrac{-(-7) \pm \sqrt{(-7)^2-4(8)(2)}}{2(16)} =\dfrac{7 \pm \sqrt{-15}}{16}

Since both roots are complex, there are no real solutions.

Excellent solution Vinayak. Thanku for sharing it with us. :)

Aryan Sanghi - 9 months, 4 weeks ago

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Thank you! :) I rarely find a problem in your set that I can solve, so I post a solution on ones I solve :)

Vinayak Srivastava - 9 months, 4 weeks ago

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Ohk. Thanku for your appreciation. :)

Aryan Sanghi - 9 months, 4 weeks ago
Aryan Sanghi
Jun 5, 2020

Let g ( θ ) = a c o s θ + b s e c θ g(\theta) = acos\theta + bsec\theta

Let's find minimum value of g ( θ ) g(\theta)

g ( θ ) = a b ( a b c o s θ + b a s e c θ ) g(\theta) = \sqrt{ab}(\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}cos\theta + \sqrt{\frac{b}{a}}sec\theta)

g ( θ ) = a b ( a b c o s θ + 1 a b c o s θ ) g(\theta) = \sqrt{ab}(\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}cos\theta + \frac{1}{\sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}cos\theta})

g ( θ ) = a b ( k + 1 k ) where k = a b c o s θ g(\theta) = \sqrt{ab}(k + \frac{1}{k}) \text{ where } k = \sqrt{\frac{a}{b}}cos\theta

Now, k + 1 k 2 or k + 1 k 2 k + \frac1k \leq -2 \text{ or } k + \frac1k \geq 2

a b ( k + 1 k ) 2 a b or a b ( k + 1 k ) 2 a b \sqrt{ab}(k + \frac1k) \leq -2\sqrt{ab} \text{ or } \sqrt{ab}(k + \frac1k) \geq 2\sqrt{ab}

g ( θ ) 2 a b or g ( θ ) 2 a b g(\theta) \leq -2\sqrt{ab} \text{ or } g(\theta) \geq 2\sqrt{ab}

Putting a = 8 a = 8 and b = 2 b = 2

g ( θ ) 8 or g ( θ ) 8....... ( 1 ) g(\theta) \leq -8 \text{ or } g(\theta) \geq 8 ....... (1)

For roots of f ( θ ) = 8 c o s θ + 2 s e c θ 7 f(\theta) = 8cos\theta + 2sec\theta - 7

8 c o s θ + 2 s e c θ 7 = 0 8cos\theta + 2sec\theta -7 = 0

8 c o s θ + 2 s e c θ = 7 8cos\theta + 2sec\theta = 7

g ( θ ) = 7 g(\theta) = 7 which is not possible as minimum positive value of g ( θ ) g(\theta) is 8 by (1)

Therefore, r o o t s = 0 \color{#3D99F6}{\boxed{roots = 0}}

You can shorten your solution by applying A M G M AM-GM at the very beginning.

a cos θ + b sec θ 2 a cos θ b sec θ = 8 a \cos \theta + b \sec \theta \geq 2 \sqrt{a \cos \theta b \sec \theta} = 8

Atomsky Jahid - 1 year ago

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Thanku, I never thought of that!!

Aryan Sanghi - 1 year ago

I think your derivation looks good and interesting! What is the insight to take a b \sqrt{ab} out of the brackets?

Vinayak Srivastava - 9 months, 4 weeks ago

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To get it of form x + 1/x

Aryan Sanghi - 9 months, 4 weeks ago

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