⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎧ lo g 2 x + lo g 4 y + lo g 4 z = 2 lo g 3 y + lo g 9 z + lo g 9 x = 2 lo g 4 z + lo g 1 6 x + lo g 1 6 y = 2
3 x + 8 y + 3 z = ?
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I upvoted this solution just because of that pic you posted at the end. :D I was having the exact same feels when I solved this problem, the only difference being that I was using a rocket launcher. :P By the way, this problem is overrated. It should've been a level 3 problem.
A funny fact is that the photo of the prob contained 132 which is double of 61 . Haha ....
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Oh my .... this days multiplying variables has brought me failure to multiplying constants .
and @John Muradeli 61.2=122 ... you wrote the answer again in the pic !!my whole life is a lie! O_O
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@Soumo Mukherjee – Um... lol... WHAT??
I never even intended for "Fact 132" to be close to the answer in some way. Where are you guys pulling these things out from? :O
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@John M. – Ok ..Ok.. :D But 2 times your pic contained the answer :D ...
c'mon man just having a bit fun...
Photo! OMG you were counting them! @_@
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I dont know what you meant , I solved and while submitting a wrong simple multiplication crossed my mind !
pretty good observation bro
I got lost. I got terms like x 2 y z instead of x y z . After that God knows what I did and couldn't solve 3 equation of 3 variable (Shame!).
Smart solution by the way.
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You were going right. If you'd square root both sides you'd get x y z . But this wasn't needed since you could directly solved it.
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Yes, instead I would be getting ( x y z ) 4 ...But i started dividing and all... and went far...very far from the solution.
Hey Math Philic!
Hm that's interesting. I wonder how you got that. Well, you could've rooted all of them and gotten where I got, I guess. In the end I do square all of them, but the fact that I had them all in rooted form first helped me obtain the expression for ( x y z ) 2 .
Stay cool, Math Philic b(o.o)d
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Yeah! John is back ^_^. Behold and travel through my stupidity.You are going to be very annoyed by knowing what kinda stupidity I was doing in solution.
First thought:Since the expression which need to be evaluated is a linear f ( x , y , z ) [without any log], So, get rid of log.
I proceeded as :
2 lo g 2 x + lo g 2 y + lo g 2 z = 4 lo g 3 x + 2 lo g 3 y + lo g 3 z = 4 lo g 4 x + lo g 4 y + 2 lo g 4 z = 4 lo g 2 y z x 2 = 4 lo g 3 x z y 2 = 4 lo g 4 y x z 2 = 4 y z x 2 = 2 4 . . . . ( a ) x z y 2 = 3 4 . . . . ( b ) y x z 2 = 4 4 . . . . ( c )
Then finally got 3 equation in 3 variable.
Second thought:Solve them. Solved ? No, not now.
Then, [only God knows], what chemical reaction went inside my head that I started dividing (a) with (b) then (b) with (c) .... .Then I got equations in terms of x/y, y/z, x/z .Couldn't hold my excitement went for them and kept wandering till I clicked 'Reveal Solution'.And couldn't shoot the zombies :'(.
Yours is a simpler one.Your all solutions are simple no doubt about that.
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@Soumo Mukherjee – well.. Math Philic.. multyply eq. a,b and c then you simply get xyz=2.3.4=24 and then dividing you will get required solution.
I've also done the problem in the same way.
log 2x+log 4y+log 4z = 2 log 2x+log 4y+log 4z = (log x/ log 2) + (log y/ log4) + (log z/log4) = (log x/ log 2) + (log y/ 2log2) + (log z/2log2) = (1/2log2)(logx^2 + log y + log z) .
(1/2log2)(logx^2 + log y + log z) = 2.
logx^2yz = log 16.
x^2yz= 16 - (1)...
Similarly xy^2z=81 - (2)... xyz^2=256 - (3)... multiplying (1), (2), (3) 〖(xyz)〗^4= 〖(2 4 3)〗^4. xyz = 24. eqn(1) becomes x(xyz) = 16. eqn (2) Becomes y(xyz) = 81. eqn(3) Becomes z(xyz) = 256. Substitute xyz in above equations x = 16/24 = 2/3. y = 81/24 = 27/8. z = 256/24 = 32/3. therefore, 3x+8y+3z = 3(2/3)+8(27/8)+3(32/3) = 3 + 27 + 32 = 61.
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Using the formula
lo g a N = lo g b a lo g b N ,
we can rewrite our system of equation in a following way:
⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎧ lo g 2 x + 2 1 lo g 2 y + 2 1 lo g 2 z = 2 lo g 3 y + 2 1 lo g 3 z + 2 1 lo g 3 x = 2 lo g 4 z + 2 1 lo g 4 x + 2 1 lo g 4 y = 2
Simplifying 1 , we obtain
⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎧ x y z = 4 y z x = 9 z x y = 1 6 ( a )
Multiplying all of the equations out, we get
( x y z ) 2 = 4 ⋅ 9 ⋅ 1 6
from which
x y z = 2 4 . ( b )
(from the given problem we take the principal root of the equation in order to make sense for the original x , y , and z arguments of the logs).
Squaring each equation in system ( a ) and dividing them by ( b ) , we obtain
x = 3 2 , y = 8 2 7 , z = 3 3 2 .
1 - simplification took place in a following way:
⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎧ lo g 2 x + 2 1 lo g 2 y + 2 1 lo g 2 z = 2 lo g 3 y + 2 1 lo g 3 z + 2 1 lo g 3 x = 2 lo g 4 z + 2 1 lo g 4 x + 2 1 lo g 4 y = 2 ⇒ ⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎧ lo g 2 x y z = 2 lo g 3 y z x = 2 lo g 4 z x y = 2 ⇒ ⎩ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎧ 2 lo g 2 x y z = 2 2 3 lo g 3 y z x = 3 2 4 lo g 4 z x y = 4 2